Services the PMCC CV Biobank Provides
The PMCC CV Biobank supports both prospective and retrospective research protocols. We can work with you to support your study needs.
Please see the list below for services that the PMCC CV Biobank provides.
- Screening & Consenting
- Biospecimen Collection
- Biospecimen Handling
- Biospecimen Processing
- Clinical Data Annotation
- Database Development & Management
- Short-term & long-term Storage
- Shipping
Accessing Biospecimens and Data
The PMCC CV Biobank provides expansive support and guidance to researchers and biobanks on accessing, collecting, using biospecimens and associated data for research. Our new e-forms to request retrospective and prospective biospecimens aim to simplify the communication process. See flowchart below to see if you are ready to request biospecimens.
Guidance Flowchart for Principle Investigators and Research Staff
Are you interested in using the PMCC CV Biobank for your research?
Are you a staff member at UHN? →
We suggest you find a collaborator from UHN
Can you answer these questions?
← Ready to use biospecimens collected & stored in PMCC CV Biobank?
Contact PMCC CV Biobank for feasibility of
study-specific collection protocol & storage solutions
Have you formulated your study protocol?
Do you have REB approval? →
Contact REB: Ethics Review Services | UHN Research and CAPCR
Do you have PMCC CV Biobank committee Approval? →
Do you have a list for potential study
candidates formulated by DHP? →
Contact the digital health platform (DHP) for consent status, consent specifics
Contact PMCC CV Biobank once you have your final study list and specimen collection date from DHP
Biospecimen Inventory
Our biobank is continuously expanding in both the number of clinically annotated biospecimens collected, the number of study participants and number of academic collaborators. Please see our inventory tracker below for the number of participants consented and a breakdown of the biospecimens collected from these participants with a broad spectrum of cardiac, vascular and cardiovascular diseases.
Buffy Coat
Frozen Tissue
Total Stored Specimens
Collection Time Points
Our collection protocols are continuously adapting to the changing demands of clinical research and study protocols. Initially the PMCC CV Biobank collected plasma, serum and buffy coat samples and has since expanded to include DNA and flash frozen tissue samples to serve the contemporary clinical research field.